who we are

A Group of Afghans Helping Each Other

Afghan Community Outreach (ACO) provides community resource management and counseling services to Afghan community members in the United States. Our mission is to promote social well-being, local integration, and economic prosperity by connecting individuals with essential resources, education, and support networks tailored to their unique needs.

what do we offer

We offer Social and Civic Programs

Our Mission is promoting social and civic live by reaching out to all Afghans living in the United States, improving their lives through sharing resources, education, and activities.

where to find us

Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia

We are based in Northern Virginia, providing services to the Afghan Community all around the United States.

Our Partners

Our Core Values

We welcome and embrace people of all backgrounds, ensuring that our services and programs are accessible to everyone in need. by creating a safe environment for learning, respecting, and valuing the diversity of Afghan Community. Help our community to excellency, through education, sharing resources equally access to opportunities.